Toll Free: (877) 449-4436 (4HYGIENE)
Telephone: (310) 370-8370
Facsimile: (310) 370-2474

Project Profiles – United States

Client Description: Aerospace Material Production Plant

HygieneTech has a continuing contract with a Los Angeles-based aerospace material production company to perform all industrial hygiene surveys and provide emergency response health and safety coordination during odor, spill, and/or other release episodes.

Industrial Hygiene/Training

Client Description: Property Owner

HygieneTech has performed fungal growth assessment surveys in both residential and commercial buildings during which ambient air samples, wall and ceiling cavity air samples, and surface samples were collected for viable and nonviable fungal spore analyses.

Fungal Growth Assessment and Abatement Consulting

Client Description: Manufacturing Facilities

HygieneTech performed industrial hygiene surveys at both domestic and foreign facilities in order to determine employee exposures to degreasing solvents, inorganic acids, and welding fume during typical and specialized production activities.

Industrial Hygiene/Safety Audit Services

Client Description: Governmental Agency

HygieneTech conducted an investigation of a suspected cancer cluster in one building owned by the U.S. government. HygieneTech interviewed building personnel, reviewed and evaluated personal and medical histories concerning the reportedly affected persons as well as those unaffected persons, and conducted a literature search using available medical journals and computerized databases.

Cancer Cluster Investigation

Client Description: Building Owner

HygieneTech has performed ACM identification surveys on a routine basis and, when appropriate, abatement recommendations are made. Bulk samples are analyzed for asbestos by polarized light microscopy with dispersion staining and/or by transmission electron microscopy.

Asbestos Consulting/Abatement Site Surveillance

Client Description: City Government

HygieneTech provides general health and safety consulting services that have focused on matters concerning industrial hygiene, airborne and surface lead exposure potentials, injury claim investigations, safety engineering, indoor air quality, electro magnetic fields, asbestos, hazardous material storage, fungal growth potentials, health and safety training, hazardous waste handling, and community exposure potentials to lead in drinking water and in soils at public park facilities.

General Health and Safety Consulting

Client Description: Battery Manufacturer

HygieneTech has performed quarterly industrial hygiene surveys for the purpose of determining employee exposures to inorganic lead during all phases of battery component part production and battery assembly.

Industrial Hygiene

Client Description: Public Utility

HygieneTech performed industrial hygiene surveys for the purpose of determining operations and maintenance field worker exposures to carbon monoxide, welding fume, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, and trace contaminants of aromatics and organic metals in natural gas lines.

Industrial Hygiene/Environmental Air Monitoring