Hygiene Technologies International, Inc.

HygieneTech has extensive experience serving clients in both the private and public sectors, including governmental agencies, law firms, insurance carriers, and companies in the environmental, aerospace, engineering, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and geotechnical industries.

Industry Activities

OSHA urges Louisiana flood recovery workers, volunteers to be vigilant, aware of hazards during cleanup

Recovery crews assisting in the cleanup following extensive flooding in Louisiana should be aware of the hazards they may encounter and take necessary steps to stay safe. Thousands of residents, including seven OSHA employees, were displaced by the flooding. Only workers provided with the proper training, equipment and experience should conduct cleanup activities.

"Recovery work should not put you in the hospital," said Benjamin Ross, OSHA's acting regional administrator in Dallas. "OSHA wants to make certain that all working men and women, including volunteers, return home at the end of the workday."

Individuals involved in recovery efforts can find safety information on OSHA's resources webpage , or may call OSHA's toll-free hotline 800-321-OSHA (6742). For more information, see the news release .


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